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Entering the meeting with a blank canvas won’t be productive for you and the Interior Designer.

Your home needs to be catered to your specific needs.
Your Interior Designer will not be able to provide the best solution if you’re not clear on what your specific needs are.

Not knowing what you want can cause lots of back and forth which means wasted time

What to prepare and/or bring along?

Know your budget range

Bring/Send over your copy of your floor plan

  • Ideally, it should be the original file or at least a hi-resolution copy

Lifestyle and Aesthetic Preferences

Start visualising how your ideal home would look based on your:

  •  Lifestyle: Who lives here and what are their lifestyle needs? How does that translate into renovation features? E.g. we’re heavy cooks so we would like to invest more on a durable kitchen
  • Aesthetics: Save photos of homes or create a moodboard to help the Interior Designer understand the look and feel you’re going for

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